레이블이 Gordon Ramsay the London NYC인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Gordon Ramsay the London NYC인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'london nyc'|2012 Holiday To London-NYC-Niagara - Day Ten

About 'london nyc'|2012 Holiday To London-NYC-Niagara - Day Ten

               When               you               hear               the               word               "exercise"               what               thoughts               come               to               your               mind?

When               I               asked               a               handful               of               people               this               question,               these               were               some               of               the               answers               I               received:               hard,               tortuous,               boring,               repetitive,               energizing,               sweaty.

Clearly               exercise               does               not               have               such               a               positive               connotation               in               the               mind               of               many               (or               maybe               it's               just               the               small               sample               of               people               I               asked!).

So               is               it               any               surprise               that               less               than               five               percent               of               adults               participate               in               30               minutes               of               physical               activity               per               day,               and               only               one               in               three               children               are               physically               active?

Sadly,               exercise               is               dwindling               in               our               country               at               a               time               when               we               need               it               more               than               ever               -               when               one-third               of               all               children               and               two-thirds               of               all               adults               are               overweight               or               obese.
               That's               why               I               am               especially               excited               about               New               York               City's               new               bike               share               program               -               what               a               great               way               to               get               people               interested               in               exercise!

New               York               isn't               the               only               city               to               operate               a               bike               share               system               -               it's               been               happening               all               over               the               world               in               London,               Paris,               Boston,               and               Australia,               none               of               which               rank               among               the               highest               obesity               rates.

Increasing               physical               activity               is               not               the               main               purpose               behind               the               bike               share               program               -               instead               it's               to               provide               New               Yorkers               and               visitors               with               another               mode               of               transportation               to               get               around               the               city               besides               sardine-filled               subways               and               crowded               buses.

However,               one               has               to               think               that               the               availability               of               bicycles               to               get               around               the               city               will               lead               to               some               weight               loss               and               an               overall               healthier               city.
               Obesity               in               our               country               is               multi-factorial,               but               at               the               end               of               the               day,               the               balance               of               calories               in               versus               calories               out               is               the               primary               equation               responsible               for               weight               gain,               loss,               or               maintenance.

Some               believe               the               fight               on               obesity               can               be               won               with               taxes               and               bans               on               certain               foods               and               beverages.

But               instead               of               looking               at               specific               ingredients               as               the               enemy,               we               should               encourage               people               to               lead               healthier               lifestyles               by               fighting               obesity               in               positive               ways               like               bike               shares,               wider               sidewalks,               safer               parks,               and               reinstating               PE               in               schools.

As               a               registered               dietitian               and               nutritionist,               I               recognize               food               plays               an               enormous               role               in               this               calorie               balance               equation,               but               rather               than               referring               to               foods               as               'good'               and               'bad,'               I               teach               my               clients               the               three               main               principles               of               a               healthy               diet:               variety,               balance,               and               moderation.

This               last               principle               is               especially               important,               as               portion               sizes               have               continued               to               increase               over               the               past               few               years.

In               my               work               as               a               dietitian,               I               consult               with               various               companies               in               the               food               and               beverage               industry,               including               The               Coca-Cola               Company,               and               I               see               the               efforts               these               corporations               are               making               to               improve               their               products               and               offer               healthier               low-               and               no-calorie               options               to               people               who               want               more               to               eat               and               drink               than               fruits,               vegetables,               and               water.

Whether               it's               a               single-serve               100-calorie               bag               of               chips               or               a               7.5-ounce               mini               can               of               soda,               your               favorite               foods               can               still               be               enjoyed               as               part               of               a               healthy               diet,               especially               when               combined               with               physical               activity.
               So               kudos               to               those               who               have               brought               this               new               form               of               exercise               to               our               city.

Just               don't               think               of               it               as               exercise,               otherwise               you               may               be               deterred               from               getting               on               the               bike!
               Jessica               Fishman               Levinson,               MS,               RDN,               CDN               is               a               registered               dietitian               nutritionist               and               the               founder               of               Nutritioulicious,               a               nutrition               consulting               business               in               the               New               York               area.

She               is               a               member               of               the               Academy               of               Nutrition               and               Dietetics               and               consults               for               several               food               and               beverage               companies               including               the               Coca-Cola               Company,               Centrum,               Cabot               Creamery,               and               the               Corn               Refiners               Association.

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