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레이블이 Wicked London Theatre Tickets인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'wicked musical london'|Wicked (London) review

About 'wicked musical london'|Wicked (London) review

Mahatma               Gandhi,               "You               Must               Be               the               Change               You               Wish               to               See               in               the               World."               It               may               be               surprising               that               Gandhi's               philosophy               somehow               got               embedded               into               a               club               kid               from               LA               with               an               otherworldly               voice               and               a               dream.

Physicist               will               tell               you               that               because               of               the               connectiveness               of               all               things               when               you               move               a               grain               of               sand               you               change               the               universe.

As               many               in               Lambert's               fandom               know               it               is               not               just               Adam               Lambert's               colossal               talent               that               is               admired               and               loved,               it               is               Lambert's               ability               to               move               hearts               and               minds               to               a               state               of               bliss.

Adam               Lambert               is               not               preaching               on               a               soapbox               but               because               of               his               strength               of               character               and               courage               to               love               himself               in               a               world               full               of               hate               he               is               transforming               perceptions.

Lambert'               powerful               weapon               is               that               he               fights               hate               with               love.

It               is               an               energy               so               powerful               that               you               can               feel               it               in               his               presence.

To               the               casual               observer               Lambert               is               not               exposing               deep               thoughts               or               spiritual               convictions               but               this               grandson               of               a               physicist               has               a               lot               more               to               him               then               what               readily               meets               the               eye.

Adam               Lambert               has               a               high               degree               of               spirituality               and               intelligence.

In               his               Rolling               Stone               Burning               Man               confession               Lambert               claims               that               somewhere               in               that               desert               he               realized               that               one               cannot               sit               back               and               wait               for               life               to               happen;               you               have               to               initiate               that               change               you               wish               to               see.
               Lambert:               "               I               realized               that               we               all               have               our               own               power,               and               that               whatever               I               wanted               to               do,               I               had               to               make               it               happen.
               It               is               not               just               his               career               that               Lambert               is               making               happen               he               is               starting               to               be               recognized               as               a               celebrity               who               uses               his               fame               to               shed               light               on               charitable               causes               not               only               as               a               humanitarian               but               for               causes               that               effect               social               change.

Lambert               is               not               a               newcomer               to               giving               back.

His               charitable               inclinations               are               not               just               a               public               relations               ploy.

Long               before               American               Idol               when               his               was               not               a               household               name               Lambert               lent               his               prodigious               talent               to               numerous               events.
               Not               only               has               Adam               Lambert               always               engaged               in               charity               he               has               chosen               his               causes               very               intelligently.

Both               Donors               Choose               and               Charity:               Water               allow               the               donor               to               actually               see               the               benefit               of               their               donations.

When               my               aunt               recently               had               a               cow               donated               in               her               name               in               lieu               of               a               Christmas               present               she               was               dismayed               to               learn               that               she               would               be               unable               to               actually               trace               her               particular               cow               and               learn               of               how               it               benefited               the               receiver.

Not               so               with               Lambert's               chosen               charities.

Lambert               made               wise               choices.

There               are               many               in               the               mainstream               media               that               prefer               to               sensationalize               Lambert's               every               misstep               so               my               birthday               gift               to               him               is               to               bring               attention               to               his               charitable               and               compassionate               heart.
               Here               is               a               look               at               some               of               Adam               Lambert's               past               and               current               charitable               endeavors.
               When               Lambert               took               the               stage               to               perform               for               charitable               events               he               didn't               just               show               up               he               put               his               octave-defying               vocal               range               on               full               display               giving               donors               more               than               their               monies               worth               of               entertainment.
               Heaven               On               Their               Minds               
               Click               Here
               Adam               performed               at               the               Valley               Musical               Theater               charity               event               a               few               years               ago.

The               song               is               Heaven               On               Their               Minds               from               the               musical,               Jesus               Christ               Superstar.
               The               music               geeks               over               at               Digital               Dream               Door               rank               this               song               as               Adam               Lambert's               best               live               performance               ever.

I               also               agree               with               DDD               that               A               Change               is               Gonna               Come               was               Adam's               best               live               performance               on               American               Idol.

Paula               Abdul               and               the               geeks               agree               with               me.

By               they               way               I               call               them               the               "geeks"               in               the               most               respectful               way.
               Ranking               Adam               Lambert's               Best               Live               Performances

Heaven               On               Their               Minds               

How               Come               You               Don't               Call               Me               Anymore               (Upright               Cabaret)               

Crawl               Thru               Fire               (Zodiac               Show               2008)               

You               Can't               Win               (Upright               Cabaret)               

A               Change               Is               Gonna               Come               (AI               live               2009)
               IS               ANYBODY               LISTENING?

               Click               Here
               Adam               Lambert               sang               at               a               2004               Chabad               L'Chaim               -               To               Life!


This               charity               benefits               all               people               regardless               of               race               or               religious               affiliations.
               Sans               make               up               and               strikingly               handsome               22-year               old               Lambert               wowed               the               crowed.

In               fact               the               MC,               Mindy               Sterling,               asked               Adam               if               he               performed               at               weddings               and               Bar               Mitzvahs               suggesting               that               she               might               be               calling               him               to               perform               ather               son'sBar               Mitzvah.
               Click               Here
               Art               4               Life               2               was               a               star-studded               event               benefiting               the               American               Cancer               Society.

Lambert               sangGnarls               Barkley's               Crazy               and               danced               to               the               choreography               of               his               friend,               Brook               Wendal.

Red               haired               Lambert               gave               one               of               his               most               sexually               provocative               performances               ever               in               his               now               legendary               tight               red               pants.
               The               highest               rated               comment               at               this               YouTube               was               by               TheWickedWomen.

Her               grammar               is               not               perfect               but               you               know               what               she               thinks               and               feels.
               "If               you               saw               this               and               didn't               know               ADAM               was               gonna               be               mega               talent,               then               you               wasted               your               time.

This               is               why               ADAM               performed               the               way               he               did               at               the               AMAs...because               he               hugely               talented               and               sexually               expressive,               creative               and               mostly               passionate.

You               can't               watch               this               and               not               get               sexually               excited               unless               your               dead               and               hey,               I'm               almost               60               honey               and               I               ain't               dead               yet.

I               love               ADAM               pre-Idol,               Idol               and               post-idol               because               all               three               phases               are               true               to               who               he               is.

What               do               I               want               from               him?

Only               what               he's               giving               us!"
               You've               Got               a               Friend
               Lambert               performed               Carole               King's               You've               Got               a               Friend               in               a               duet               with               Eden               Espinosa               who               played               the               evil               green               witch               Elphaba               in               Wicked               at               the               One               Night               Only               Cabaret               at               the               Marines               Memorial               Theater               in               San               Francisco               on               September               8,               2005.

This               fundraiser               event               was               for               the               Richmond               /               Ermet               AIDS               Foundation.
               Review:               Her               contralto               R&B               sound               combined               with               his               mellifluous               high               tenor               made               for               a               righteously               riveting               duet.

I               love               that               word               mellifluous!
               Audio               recording:               
               Click               Here
               At               the               end               of               the               performance               you               can               hear               voices               in               the               audience               talking               about               Lambert,               calling               him               amazing               and               asking               where               he               came               from.
               The               Star               Spangled               Banner               
               Click               Here
               (I               have               been               unable               to               find               the               complete               performance.

Does               anyone               know               of               one?)
               Adam               Lambert               sang               a               crystal-shattering               version               of               the               National               Anthem               at               the               Anti-Defamation               League's               L.A.

dinner               honoring               renowned               director               Steven               Spielberg               for               his               humanitarian               work.Spielberg               was               awarded               the               America's               Democratic               Legacy               Award               for               being               a               "true               champion               of               human               rights"               and               for               his               philanthropic               efforts.

The               star-studded               event               was               held               at               the               Beverly               Hilton               Hotel               on               December               9,               2009.
               Steven               Spielberg               on               twitter               the               night               of               the               event:
               Steven               Spielberg               twittered               that               Adam               Lambert               is               one               of               his               heroes               and               that               his               kids               will               be               most               impressed               that               he               met               Adam               Lambert.

Steven               Spielberg               thanked               Adam               for               singing               and               said               that               @adamlambert               has               an               amazing               gift.
               Charity:               Water
               Now               that               Adam               Lambert's               29th               birthday               is               coming               up               on               January               29th               many               of               you               already               know               he               is               asking               that               in               lieu               of               gifts               he               prefers               that               donations               be               made               in               his               name               to               a               humanitarian               organization               called               Charity:               Water.

It               is               not               surprising               that               Lambert               surpassed               his               original               goal               of               29,000               in               less               than               6               hours.
               Scott               Harrison               the               founder               of               Charity:               Water               is               handsome,               articulate               and               charismatic.

Thirtyish               with               an               easy               grin               and               a               heartfelt               sincerity               that               is               palpable,               he               tells               his               story               of               a               successful               young               man               that               was               living               the               "life".

As               a               nightclub               and               fashion               event               promoter               he               was               in               the               fast               lane               of               New               York               City's               nightlife.

He               describes               how               his               selfishness               and               arrogance               caused               him               to               feel               desperately               unhappy               and               spiritually               bankrupt.
               Harrison               volunteered               his               services               for               a               year               on               a               floating               hospital               with               a               group               called               Mercy               Ships.

These               ships               take               doctors               who               volunteer               their               services               to               the               poorest               parts               of               the               world               to               operate               on               thousands               who               otherwise               would               never               have               medical               treatment               for               facial               and               cranial               abnormalities.

After               that               stint               Harrison               came               back               to               New               York               with               a               renewed               spirit               and               a               determination               to               start               his               own               humanitarian               organization.

Those               of               you               who               have               not               taken               the               time               to               learn               about               Harrison's               organization               can               be               assured               that               this               is               charity               done               the               right               way.
               Harrison               divides               donations               so               that               you               can               donate               entirely               to               the               humanitarian               activity               or               to               administrative               expenses.

You               can               also               donate               to               both.

His               organization               is               entirely               transparent.

Water               wells               are               drilled               at               locations               that               you               can               track               with               GPS               so               that               donors               can               see               the               projects               accomplished               with               their               donations.
               Adam               Lambert               is               not               the               first               celebrity               to               lend               his               name               to               Charity:               Water.

In               September               of               2010               Will               and               Jada               Smith               asked               for               donations               in               lieu               of               birthday               presents.

The               Smiths               far               exceeded               their               goal               of               $50,000               and               raised               $108,628.42.

Alyssa               Milano               had               donation               projects               for               both               her               38th               and               39th               birthdays               and               raised               a               total               of               $132,129.

There               are               many               others               that               see               the               value               in               this               humanitarian               cause.
               Keep               in               mind               that               although               Lambert's               birthday               is               on               January               29th               the               charity               has               77               days               left               as               of               today               and               has               raised               over               $91,000               of               the               $290,000               goal.

Keep               those               donations               coming!
               Click               here               to               donate.
               Donors               Choose
               Adam               Lambert               started               his               affiliation               with               Donors               Choose               while               he               was               on               the               American               Idol               Tour.

Lambert               was               being               overwhelmed               with               gifts.

He               suggested               to               his               fans               that               rather               than               give               him               gifts               he               would               prefer               that               donations               be               made               to               this               cause.
               Charles               Best               the               founder               of               Donors               Choose               was               a               28-year-old               teacher               at               Wings               Academy,               an               economically               depressed               South               Bronx               high               school,               when               he               saw               that               teachers               needed               more               supplies               than               public               schools               would               fund.

Best               states               on               the               Donors               Choose               blog:
               "What               began               as               a               philanthropic               experiment               has               since               channeled               $57               million               in               materials               and               experiences               to               classrooms               across               the               country.

Over               3               million               students               are               now               learning               more               each               school               day,               and               over               100,000               teachers               are               flourishing               as               they               see               their               classroom               dreams               realized.

All               thanks               to               you."
               Teachers               submit               proposals               for               classroom               supplies.

In               Lambert's               case               he               focuses               on               funding               the               arts,               which               are               usually               cut               first.

Donors               can               browse               the               projects               and               pick               out               the               ones               that               appeal               to               them.

I               was               very               impressed               when               I               received               a               thank               you               letter               from               the               teacher               and               a               picture               of               the               classroom               using               the               art               supplies               I               helped               fund               with               a               group               called               Adam               Lambert,               Second               to               None.

Adam               Lambert               working               in               conjunction               with               DonorsChoose.org               has               raised               over               $500,000               for               his               Glam               a               Classroom               projects.

Lambert               has               even               personally               delivered               supplies.
               See               Adam               Lambert               interacting               with               a               classroom:               
               Click               Here
               A               sweet               video               made               by               a               group               of               donors               inspired               by               Lambert.

               Click               Here.
               Adam               Lambert               went               a               few               steps               further.

Not               only               did               he               sponsor               a               competition               among               his               fans               to               raise               money               for               Donors               Choose,               Lambert               teamed               up               with               a               company               called               Pennyroyal               Silver               and               designed               two               limited               edition               pendants               for               charity,               The               designs               are               based               on               Lamberts               Eye               of               Horus               and               Infinity               tattoos.The               infinity               project               raised               $43,000               for               Donors               Chose.
               Lambert               said               this               of               the               tattoo               during               the               Glam               Nation               Tour:
               "My               infinity               tattoo               really               represents               what               life               is               like               for               me               at               this               stage.

It               is               all               about               energy               and               the               energy               I               get               from               my               fans.

When               I               am               onstage               and               the               fans               feed               me               their               enthusiastic               energy,               I               am               able               to               feed               off               of               it               and               give               it               right               back               to               them.

It's               all               about               the               energy               flow."
               Click               here               to               donate               to               Donors               Choose.
               The               Eye               of               Horus               pendent               is               stamped               on               the               back               with               the               words               'Protect               Your               Light               and               Energy'.

That               is               interesting               since               Lambert               got               that               tattoo               while               he               was               competing               on               American               Idol.

The               $30,000               profits               were               donated               to               benefit               MusiCares,               a               Grammy               Foundation               that               assist               musicians               and               those               in               the               music               business               in               times               of               personal,               medical               and               financial               crisis.
               I               see               London,               I               see               France,               How               much               money               was               raised               with               Adam's               Underpants?

The               answer               to               that               question               is               $8,500,               a               mere               pittance               of               what               they               would               have               been               raised               if               Lambert               were               still               in               them.The               bidders               wanted               the               sweaty               pair               but               had               to               settle               for               fresh               ones.

Lambert               was               on               Ellen               and               presented               her               with               his               autographed               portrait               to               be               auctioned               for               Ellen's               fundraiser               for               Haiti.

Lambert               topped               that               with:
               "I               wore               my               special               Ellen               underwear,"               he               told               DeGeneres,               as               the               audience               cheered.

They               might               be               a               little               sweaty,               but               these               are               up               for               auction,               as               well."
               Click               Here
               American               Foundation               for               Equal               Rights
               Adam               Lambert               recently               attended               an               Elton               John               fundraising               performance               for               the               American               Foundation               for               Equal               Rights.

The               organization               is               the               official               sponsor               of               the               federal               court               challenge               to               Proposition               8.

The               minimum               donation               for               attendance               was               $1,000               from               each               of               the               750               patrons               who               raised               over               3               million               dollars.
               Elton               said:               "I               think               I               have               it               all,               I               have               a               wonderful               career,               a               wonderful               life.

I               have               my               health,               I               have               a               partner               of               17               years,               and               now               I               have               a               son.

I               don't               have               everything               because               I               don't               have               the               respect               of               people               like               the               church               or               like               politicians               who               tell               me               that               I'm               not               worthy,               that               I'm               lesser               because               I'm               gay,               well               f**k               you!"
               As               a               lesbian               I,               like               Adam,               have               a               stake               in               promoting               civil               liberties               for               members               of               the               LGBT               community.

Sometimes               when               you               focus               of               the               small               picture               you               miss               the               big               one.
               My               take               on               this               is               that               marriage               is               none               of               the               government's               business               no               matter               if               you               are               straight               or               gay.

What               gives               the               government               the               power               to               define               what               a               marriage               is?

It               is               certainly               not               in               the               Constitution.

We               should               take               the               power               back               from               the               government               and               not               allow               politicians               to               have               any               say               whatsoever               in               deciding               whom               we               can               have               as               a               life               partners.

I               would               prefer               that               we               had               civil               or               religious               ceremonies               with               contracts               and               tell               the               government               to               shove               it.

A               little               anarchy               would               do               this               country               a               lot               of               good.
               FCKH8               &               NO               H8               Campaigns
               Lambert               Twittered               support               for               FCKH8               a               LGBT               suicide               prevention               charity               campaign.
               Lambert               Twittered               his               picture               to               promote               this               organization               that               is               against               Proposition               8.
               It               Gets               Better!
               Adam               Lambert               produced               an               "It               Gets               Better               "               video               against               bullying.
               Click               Here
               "Even               someone               like               me,               someone               that               has               recently               come               into               some               success               in               his               career...I'm               touring               the               world,               I               have               a               cd               out,               I               do               music               videos,               I'm               living               my               dream.

Even               I               get               bullied...I'm               singled               out               and               it's               all               gay,               gay,               gay,               gay,               gay,               even               though               there               is               so               much               more               to               me               than               just               who               I               choose               to               sleep               with."
               More               of               Lambert:
               "Don't               let               those               bullies               and               those               ignorant,               fearful,               small-minded               people               prove               you               wrong.

You               have               to               be               strong               and               you               have               to               pay               attention               to               the               positive.

And               in               doing               so,               you               will               push               through               and               you               will               rise               up               and               you               will               live               your               life               to               the               fullest.

It               gets               better,               but               it's               up               to               you."
               RCA               should               have               released               Aftermath               as               an               anthem               to               inspire               the               LGBT               community               as               well               as               anyone               who               feels               alienated.

Watch               Adam               Lambert               sing               Aftermath               at               the               end               of               his               Glam               Nation               Tour:
               Click               Here
               This               is               not               an               all-inclusive               summation               of               Adam               Lambert's               charitable               endeavors.

Recently               Lambert               Twittered               his               over               800,000               followers               to               bring               awareness               to               the               victims               of               the               floods               in               Australia               just               like               he               did               for               the               victims               of               the               earth               quake               in               Haiti.

If               any               of               you               know               of               any               more               of               Adam's               causes               post               them               and               they               will               be               added               to               the               article.
               Not               so               long               ago               I               wrote,               "               There               is               an               irresistible               compulsion               to               brag               about               witnessing               history               in               the               making.

Prophesying               Adam               Lambert's               fame               and               success               is               now               out               of               the               realm               of               fan               fiction               and               into               predictable               reality".

The               icons               of               the               past               and               present               have               in               common               the               ability               to               generate               feelings               of               love               from               masses               of               people.

That               ability               transcends               language               and               culture.

Adam               Lambert               is               a               phenomenal               talent               on               that               iconic               path               because               he               loves               the               human               race               and               we               love               him               back.

It               is               as               simple               as               that.

This               article               is               my               way               of               saying               thank               you               for               all               the               good               that               you               do               and               the               light               you               bring               to               the               world.
               Happy               Birthday               Adam               Lambert!
               Post               your               comments               below               and               follow               me               on               Twitter               @kmkolsch!

This               beautiful               story               came               to               my               attention               just               yesterday.
               "Jessi               Kimsey,               a               child               selected               for               the               2011               Bert's               Big               Adventure               Trip,               has               experienced               a               devastating               turn               of               events.

She               came               down               with               pneumonia,               stopped               breathing,               and               had               to               be               Life               Flighted               to               the               hospital,               where               she               is               still               in               intensive               care.

Adam               took               the               time               to               leave               a               voice               mail               for               one               of               his               young               fans               in               a               medical               crisis.

This               is               another               unheralded               display               of               his               kind               heart.
               Eden               Espinosa               Mp3               Download               (A               bit               better               quality               You've               Got               A               Friend)
               PS               Do               not               forget               Operation               Platinum.

Find               the               details               at               Adamofficial.com.
               The               Espinosa               and               Adam               Lambert               Review

Image of wicked musical london

wicked musical london
wicked musical london

wicked musical london Image 1

wicked musical london
wicked musical london

wicked musical london Image 2

wicked musical london
wicked musical london

wicked musical london Image 3

wicked musical london
wicked musical london

wicked musical london Image 4

wicked musical london
wicked musical london

wicked musical london Image 5

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                   Having               visited               London               for               the               first               time               prior               to               the               international               celebrity               of               William               and               Kate,               I               was               reminded,               throughout               the               recent               royal               nuptials,               of               the               variety               which               London               offers               to               first-time               tourists.
                   For               those               who               yearn               to               visit               Britain's               Crown               Jewels,               Robert               S.

    Kane,               the               author               of               Britain               at               its               best,               recommends               a               visit               to               the               Tower               of               London               on               Tower               Hill,               the               place               where               the               Crown               Jewels               reside.

    Large,               rather               than               delicate,               the               Crown               Jewels               represent               approximately               1,000               years               of               British               history.

    If               visiting,               try               to               encounter               a               Beefeater               at               the               Tower               to               learn               more               on               the               history               of               the               Tower               while               on               location.
                   For               those               who               were               unable               to               attend               the               recent               matrimonial               ceremonies               in               London,               Britain               also               has               festivals               throughout               the               year,               especially               during               the               summer               season.

    The               Brits,               and               Londoners,               love               festivals,               according               to               the               magazine,               Mental               Floss.

    London               festivals               include               black-tie               events,               such               as               the               Glyndebourne               Festival,               which               celebrates               the               London               Philharmonic,               and               various               other               festivals,               celebrating               theater,               opera,               and               ballet.

    Tickets               may               be               purchased               in               the               U.S.

    in               advance               for               these               festivals               and               performances               of               theater,               opera               and               ballet               through               the               booking               agencies               (check               online               for               relevant               contact               information.)
                   Although               there               are               branches               exported               to               other               locations,               such               as               New               York               and               Las               Vegas,               the               original               Madame               Toussaud's               in               London               is               still               a               must-see               for               tourists               who               have               not               visited               its               wax               museum               there.

    Exhibits               are               periodically               updated               and               changed,               so               what               is               on               display               today               may               differ               from               last               year's               display.
                   According               to               Robert               S.

    Kane,               other               points               of               interest,               which               first-time               visitors               to               London               should               try               not               to               miss,               include:               the               National               Portrait               Gallery,               Westminster               Abbey,               the               Houses               of               Parliament,               the               British               Museum,               Hampton               Court               Palace,               Windsor               Castle,               St.

    Paul's               Cathedral,               Kensington               Palace,               the               Banqueting               House,               the               Changing               of               the               Guard,               the               National               Gallery,               and               the               Cabinet               War               Rooms.

    The               locations               may               have               fees,               so               it               is               best               to               check               online               in               advance               to               find               out               the               fee               amount(s)               to               visitors.
                   Travel               between               tourist               points               of               interest               can               be               accomplished               by               subway               (known               locally               as               The               Tube,               or               the               Underground),               by               bus,               or               by               taxi.

    Certain               other               firms               also               offer               private               sightseeing               tours               of               London,               if               desired.

    Inquire,               or               search               online,               if               interested.
                   If               choosing               the               Underground               to               travel               London,               be               sure               to               state               your               destination               when               purchasing               your               ticket,               as               you               will               pay               the               entire               fare               at               the               beginning               of               your               trip.

    This               ticket               will               then               be               relinquished,               at               journey's               end,               to               the               corresponding               ticket               agent,               so               keep               it               with               you               on               your               journey.

    Ticket               agents               and               conductors               will               cheerfully               help               you               throughout               your               trip,               since               transfers               to               other               Underground               routes               may               be               necessary               along               the               way.

    Just               ask.
                   Bus               stops               on               routes               are               listed               at               each               bus               stop,               and               the               fare               is               based               upon               the               distance               travelled.

    Once               again,               be               sure               to               access               the               friendly               and               helpful               bus               conductors               with               any               travel               questions               which               may               arise.
                   London               taxis               are               well-known               for               their               spacious               limo-type               rides.

    Trips               in               a               London               cab               are               metered               and               the               passenger(s)               are               charged               accordingly.

    At               trip's               end,               the               driver               should               be               tipped               15%.
                   Finally,               if               there               is               an               interest               in               visiting               a               casino               while               in               London,               it               needs               to               be               mentioned               that               all               London               casinos               are               operated               as               private               clubs,               which               means               that               only               club               members               may               gamble.

    Open               to               allowing               foreigners               to               join               private               clubs,               while               they               are               in               London,               there               is               one               restriction.

    Anyone               joining               a               private               club,               which               allows               gambling,               must               wait               48               hours               after               joining               prior               to               gambling.

    If               there               is               an               interest               in               London               casinos,               the               advice               would               be               to               apply               at               least               two               days               in               advance               of               the               anticipated               gambling               date.

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