레이블이 Tree Removal Companies Decatur GA인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Tree Removal Companies Decatur GA인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'removal companies london'|... full of mutual recriminations. The claim of the Atherton company was examined and found invalid. In order to save the Narragansett...

About 'removal companies london'|... full of mutual recriminations. The claim of the Atherton company was examined and found invalid. In order to save the Narragansett...

Gina               Gershon               has               denied               that               she               is               having               or               has               had               an               affair               with               ex-President               Bill               Clinton.

The               denial               came               in               a               statement               released               by               her               publicist               in               response               to               a               mention               of               the               actress               in               a               controversial               profile               of               the               former               President               in               the               July               issue               of               Vanity               Fair               magazine.

The               article,               which               was               written               by               former               New               York               Times               correspondent               Todd               S.

Purdum,               speculates               that               Bill               Clinton               possibly               experienced               a               personality               change               after               having               heart-bypass               surgery               and               surgery               to               remove               scar               tissue               from               a               lung               in               2004.

The               speculation               is               based               not               just               on               Bill               Clinton's               recklessness               as               he               always               has               been               reckless,               but               on               Clinton's               recent               lack               of               political               savoir-faire               and               his               displays               of               anger.

The               article               was               denounced               by               Bill               Clinton               in               scathing               language               while               he               was               out               on               the               hustings               for               his               wife,               Hillary,               during               the               lead-up               to               the               South               Dakota               primary.

The               former               President               denounced               Purdum,               the               husband               of               his               former               Presidential               press               secretary               Dee               Dee               Meyers,               as               a               'scumbag."               He               also               said               Purdum               was               "slimy"               and               "dishonest."               Clinton               later               apologized               for               using               such               harsh               language.
               The               Vanity               Fair               profile               elucidated               questionable               business               dealings               of               Clinton               with               entrepreneurs               who               have               provided               millions               of               dollars               to               his               Presidential               library               and               his               private               charity               in               exchange               for               his               lobbying               prowess.

As               an               ex-President,               Clinton               can               open               doors               that               other               lobbyists               cannot.

These               relationships               nearly               compromised               the               Presidential               campaign               of               his               wife,               who               was               not               accused               of               any               wrongdoing               in               the               article.
               [The               revelation               of               Bill               Clinton's               past               manifestation               as               essentially               a               paid               lobbyist               for               the               government               of               Colombia               was               about               to               quicken               into               a               major               imbroglio               in               the               days               leading               up               to               the               Ohio               and               Pennsylvania               primaries,               just               before               Hillary               was               saved               when               Barack               Obama's               "bitterness"               remark               became               the               stop               story.

Obama               remarked               at               a               San               Francisco               fund-raiser               that               he               had               trouble               connecting               with               working-class               whites               as               many               were               disenchanted               with               him               as               their               economic               angst               has               manifested               itself               in               an               antipathy               towards               people               of               color               and               in               the               adoption               of               emotional               "wedge               issues"               like               gun               control,               a               state               of               alienation               compounded               by               a               retreat               into               religion.

The               mainstream               media               dropped               the               critical               calculus               of               race               from               the               Obama               "bitterness"               story               once               it               took               flight.

Campaigning               In               two               "Rust               Belt"               states               battered               by               free               trade,               Hillary               Clinton               was               portraying               herself               as               an               avatar               of               protectionism.

The               news               that               her               husband               was               essentially               a               paid               whore               for               a               Colombia               free               trade               pact,               as               was               her               chief               campaign               consultant               (who               took               the               bullet               and               resigned               to               defuse               the               issue),               accepting               money               from               the               Colombian               government               to               promote               the               removal               of               protectionist               barriers               impeding               the               import               of               goods               from               that               South               American               nation               just               might               have               cost               her               a               few               precious               working               class               votes.

The               Obama               "bitterness"               remark,               instead,               became               the               big               story,               and               Hillary               was               able               to               portray               Obama               as               an               "elitist"               who               was               out               of               touch               with               ordinary               Americans.]
               Bill               Clinton               also               was               characterized               by               Purdum's               Vanity               Fair               profile               as               engaging               in               a               free-wheeling,               swinging               lifestyle               evocative               of               his               days               in               the               White               House,               when               he               was               engaged               in               the               serial               sex               harassment               of               female               interns               in               the               White               House               and               widely               reputed               to               be               engaged               in               adulterous               affairs.

During               his               White               House               days,               Clinton's               conquests               reportedly               included               the               actress               Meg               Ryan               and               the               divas               Barbra               Streisand               and               Aretha               Franklin.

After               his               Presidency               was               over,               Clinton               reportedly               carried               on               a               long-term               affair               with               Canadian               Member               of               Parliament               Belinda               Stronach,               who               is               an               heiress               akin               to               John               McCain's               wife               Cindy,               albeit               of               a               10-figure               fortune,               not               the               measly               $100               million               enjoyed               by               McCain's               Missus.

Bubba               also               reportedly               was               bedding               actress               Demi               Moore,               who               is               married.
               These               rumors               floated               freely               in               the               press               during               the               run-up               to               Hillary               Clinton's               Presidential               bid,               and               were               uncommented               upon.

Respectable               newspapers               reported               that               Hillary               had               extracted               a               pledge               from               her               man               Bill               that               there               would               be               no               extracurricular               hanky-panky               during               her               campaign.

(That               this               might               be               the               root               of               Bubba's               irritability,               that               he               was               being               faithful               to               his               wife               for               once,               was               never               broached               in               the               Vanity               Fair               article.)               Clinton's               public               relationship               with               Stronach               was               the               highlight               of               the               pre-campaign               press               uncoverage,               for               there               were               rumors               that               Clinton               was               ready               to               divorce               Hillary               to               marry               the               Canadian               billionaire,               and               enjoy               the               sweet               life               he               had               grown               accustomed               to               by               hobnobbing               with               his               billionaire               friends.
               In               the               Vanity               Fair               article,               Bill               Clinton               was               said               to               have               visited               California               multiple               times               to               "visit"               with               Gina               Gershon.

While               Purdum               does               not               say               that               Clinton               and               the               actress               were               having               an               affair,               the               context               of               the               article               intimates               that               Bubba               was               on               the               make               again,               playing               the               Big               Bad               Wolf               of               the               bedroom,               thus               endangering               Hillary's               chances               of               a               separate               and               successful               career               as               a               national               politician.
               Purdum               writes               of               Bill               Clinton's               aides'               dismay               over               his               relationship               with               such               men               as               the               billionaire               Ron               Burkle,               who               gave               his               friend,               the               ex-President,               a               stake               in               his               Yucaipa               Companies               investment               vehicle,               where               Clinton               served               as               a               senior               advisor.

(Bill               Clinton               severed               his               financial               ties               with               Yucaipa.

at               the               end               of               last               year               to               eliminate               potential               conflicts               of               interest               in               order               to               appear               simon               pure               during               Hillary's               campaign.)               In               the               Vanity               Fair               article,               the               divorced               Burkle               is               characterized               as               trying               to               be               discreet               about               his               "European"               lifestyle               around               Bill               Clinton,               but               in               a               chilling               exchange,               one               Clinton               staffer               justifies               that               sybaritic               lifestyle               with               the               words,               "[H]ow               many               older               guys               wouldn't               want               to               hang               out               with               younger               girls,               if               they               could?

Would               you               rather               hang               out               with               a               smart,               good-looking               20-year-old,               or               a               45-year-old?"
               This               is               not               something               the               post-menopausal               female               base               that               is               the               source               of               Hillary               Clinton's               electoral               strength               wants               to               hear.
               The               45-year-old               Gina               Gershon               currently               is               treading               the               boards               on               Broadway               in               the               revival               of               the               Boeing               Boeing,               a               hoary               old               French               farce               that               once               served               as               the               basis               for               a               highly               forgettable               1965               "comedy"               starring               the               twin               threat               of               Jerry               Lewis               and               Tony               Curtis.

Boeing               Boeing               takes               flight               on               the               attempts               of               an               amorous               architect               to               juggle               the               down-time               of               his               three               fiancées,               all               of               whom               are               airline               stewardesses.(Ironically,               in               the               Vanity               Fair               piece,               a               great               deal               is               made               out               of               Bill               Clinton's               globe-hopping               with               his               billionaire               friends,               who               have               their               own               private               jets.

According               to               the               Huffington               Post,               Clinton               was               frequently               a               guest               of               Ron               Burkle               in               trips               aboard               the               billionaire's               private               Boeing               757               jet               airliner.)               Gershorn               is               best               known               for               playing               the               bisexual               headliner               of               a               topless               Las               Vegas               leg-line               in               the               1995               kitsch               classic               Showgirls.

She               solidified               her               reputation               as               a               character               actress               by               playing               a               lesbian               sexpot               who               beds               a               gangster's               moll               in               the               crime               movie               Bound               the               following               year.
               Gina               Gershon's               public               relations               representative,               Mara               Buxbaum,               said               that,               "Todd               Purdum's               insinuation               is               a               lie               and               is               irresponsible               journalism.

We               are               
               demanding               a               retraction."
               Bill               Clinton               had               called               Vanity               Fair               Magazine               a               forum               for               libel.

It               would               be               nearly               impossible               for               public               figures               like               Clinton               and               Gershon               to               successfully               sue               for               libel,               slander               and               defamation               in               the               United               States,               the               legal               bar               is               so               high.
               Hillary               Clinton               has               had               her               own               sex               scandal               brewing               in               the               wings               since               November               2007,               when               The               Times               of               London               "outed"               her               alleged               lesbian               relationship               with               her               so-called               "body               servant,"               her               personal               aide,               Huma               Abedin.

Abedin,               a               Muslim               of               Pakistani               lineage               whose               mother               is               a               professor               at               a               Saudi               Arabian               university,               managed               to               buy               herself               an               apartment               worth               three-quarters               of               a               million               dollars               on               a               salary               that               likely               doesn't               exceed               $60,000               a               year.

She               also               dresses               in               designer               gowns               that               would               cost               a               small               fortune.

She               and               Hillary               Clinton               are               inseparable,               as               she               is               the               personal               assistant               that               schedules               Hillary's               day               and               sees               that               she               sticks               to               it.

In               that,               she               is               similar               to               Douglas               Band,               whose               remunerative               relationship               with               Clinton               was               detailed               in               the               Vanity               Fair               article.
               Both               Abedin               and               Band               started               out               as               White               House               interns.
               The               Huma               Abedin               story               was               a               "Swift               Boat"               incident               ready               to               be               exploited               by               the               Republican               allies               in               the               right-wing               527               establishment,               should               Hilary               clinch               the               nomination.

So               alive               with               possibilities               is               the               story,               that               the               New               York               Daily               News               printed               a               story               on               Mary               28th               that               U.S.

Representative               Anthony               Weiner,               a               New               York               Congressman               who               is               traveling               with               the               Clinton               campaign,               is               "dating"               Abedin.

Many               comments               on               the               Daily               News               Web               site               called               the               story               a               planted               item               to               deflect               speculation               that               the               relationship               between               Hillary               and               her               beautiful,               32-year               old               "body               woman,"               as               the               News               descried               her,               is               more               intimate               than               professional.

Weiner,               who               has               aspirations               to               succeed               Michael               Bloomberg               as               mayor               of               New               York               City,               was               denounced               as               a               "beard"               for               Abedin.
               It               may               still               be               an               exploitable               issue,               should               Barack               Obama               name               her               as               his               running               mate.

The               truth               of               the               allegations               is               irrelevant,               as               the               Swiftboating               of               John               Kerry               showed.

During               the               2004               campaign,               Kerry               --               the               winner               of               two               Silver               Stars               for               courage               under               fire               and               three               Purple               Hearts               while               serving               in               Vietnam,               a               far               more               impressive               record               than               alleged               "war               hero"               John               McCain--               was               characterized               as               a               coward               and               a               liar.

That               his               chief               accuser               had               earlier               appeared               as               a               supporter               during               one               of               Kerry's               Senatorial               campaigns               and               hailed               him               as               a               hero               was               mentioned               by               the               press,               but               ignored.

As               psychologists               have               known               for               a               over               a               century,               most               people               basically               are               irrational.
               These               stories               take               on               a               life               of               their               own               as               the               U.S.

Presidential               system,               shorn               of               true               party               affiliation               as               in               a               more               democratic               parliamentary               system,               are               essentially               personality               contests               in               which               the               voter,               via               the               mechanism               of               ego-inflation,               identifies               with               one               candidate               or               another.

Most               voters               just               simply               stay               home               on               Election               Day               as               they               do               not               suffer               from               the               ego-inflation               implicit               in               the               American               political               system.

The               Presidency               was               based               on               the               Royal               Governors               of               the               English               colonies,               who               enjoyed               greater               power               than               did               King               George               III,               as               they               were               unchecked               by               legislatures               whereas               George               III               had               to               answer               to               Parliament.

Thus,               one               can               consider,               correctly,               the               U.S.

President               an               "elected               king,"               and               a               king               is               a               magnet               for               the               psychological               projection               of               his               subjects.
               Unlike               in               a               parliamentary               system,               American               voters               have               a               visceral               relationship               with               their               candidates               that               borders               on               the               irrational.

The               sex               life               of               a               prime               minister               or               even               a               French               president,               rooted               as               France's               system               is               in               a               parliamentary               system,               is               really               of               no               consequence               to               non-American               voters.

It's               the               party               and               its               policies               that               matter.

In               the               United               States,               where               a               President               or               candidate               like               Bill               and               Hillary               Clinton               say               one               thing               and               are               expected               to               do               another,               policy               being               essentially               meaningless               to               the               mass               other               than               a               few               emotional               talking               points,               the               voters'               identification               with               their               candidate               is               personal,               familial.
               If               Bill               Clinton               smoked               a               joint               or               Barack               Obama               sucked               a               cock               while               at               university               would               be               irrelevant               in               most               of               the               planet.

In               the               United               States,               this               is               your               brother,               father,               uncle               --               or,               in               Hillary's               case               --               sister               you're               talking               about.

Their               "shame"               is               your               shame.
               It               is               ridiculous               but               one               can               expect               the               discredited               story               of               Barack               Obama               having               a               gay               affair               with               a               toothless               limousine               driver               to               resurface               soon.

There               are               many               anti-Obama               Democrats               who               can't               admit               that               they               are               against               him               because               he               is               African               American,               but               if               they               can               pin               their               disgust               to               another               issue,               such               as               sleazy               sex,               they               can               justify               casting               a               vote               for               John               McCain.
               Since               1960,               when               movie-star               handsome               John               F.

Kennedy               rode               the               airwaves               of               television               to               the               Presidency               over               the               lugubrious               non-telegenic               Richard               Nixon,               American               politics               has               become               a               branch               of               show               business.

In               his               seminal               essay               on               the               air-conditioned               nightmare               of               post-mid-American               Century               politics,               "Superman               Comes               to               the               Supermarket,"               Norman               Mailer               summarized               the               phenomenon               of               J.F.K.

thusly:               "America's               politics               would               now               be               also               America's               favorite               movie,               America's               first               soap               opera,               America's               best-seller."
               He               was               right.
               How               else               to               explain               the               movie               and               TV               actor               Ronald               Reagan               making               such               a               great               success               in               the               national               arena?

Distinctly               second-rate               in               the               big               leagues               that               were               motion               pictures,               Reagan               --               like               some               has-been               thespian               making               a               success               on               the               dinner-theater               circuit               --               thrived               in               Washington,               D.C.

(Marlon               Brando               claimed               that               all               politicians               essentially               were               actors.

What               he               couldn't               understand               was               why               they               were               so               bad               at               it.)               The               fact               that               Reagan's               near-assassination               at               the               beginning               of               his               first               term               so               traumatized               his               septuagenarian               body               and               brain               that               he               essentially               was               senile               during               most               of               his               Presidency               was               ignored               by               the               press               and               public.

When               Reagan               gave               a               press               conference,               and               --               asked               a               question               about               relations               with               the               U.S.S.R.

or               arms               control               or               some               such               subject               --               went               off               on               an               incomprehensible               riff               that               turned               out               to               be               based               on               the               dialogue               for               one               of               his               old               "Brass               Bancroft:               T-Man"               serials               from               the               late               1930s,               the               press               and               public               let               it               pass.

The               Presidency               was               now               akin               to               a               figurehead,               like               modern               royalty.

The               show               must               go               on!

And               it               did.
               And               it               will.

We               can               expect               that               the               "Swiftboating"               of               Barack               Obama               and               Hillary               Clinton               on               the               sexual               front               will               be               part               of               the               show.

'Cause               as               the               hucksters               who               have               made               fortunes               from               show               business               know,               nothing               sells               like               sex.
               AOL               News:               "Gershon               Denies               Romantic               Ties               to               Clinton"

Online               "Gershon's               Rep:               VF               Bubba-Love               Brouhaha               Bogus"
               Huffington               Post,               Protecting               Hillary:               Bill               Clinton               Severs               Business               Ties               With               Billionaire               Buddy               Burkle
               New               York               Daily               News,               "Yes,               I'm               hot               for               Hillary               Clinton's               'body               woman,'               Congressman               Weiner               admits"
               New               York               Observer,               "Hillary's               Mystery               Woman:               Who               Is               Huma?"
               The               Times               (London),               "Snarls,               smears               and               innuendo               for               Hillary               Clinton               as               attack               dogs               get               ready               for               the               fray               "
               Vanity               Fair,               "The               Comeback               Id"
               Other               Links:
               Associated               Content,               "Ronald               Reagan:               The               Most               Successful               Actor               in               World               History"
               Esuire               Magazine,               "Superman               Comes               to               the               Supermarket"               by               Norman               Mailer
               New               York               Times,               "BRASS               BANCROFT               GOES               TO               WAR               "

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