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About 'personal trainer london'|London Personal Trainer tells you how to Celebrate Movement

About 'personal trainer london'|London Personal Trainer tells you how to Celebrate Movement

Many               people               will               attempt               to               try               a               wide               range               of               methods               for               losing               weight.

Diets               are               probably               the               most               popular               of               these               methods.

Although               it               is               commonly               known               that               exercise               is               one               of               the               best               ways               to               lose               weight               not               many               people               will               actually               use               this               method               in               their               weigh               management               regimens.

There               are               many               different               types               of               exercises.

Anaerobic               exercise               is               used               by               those               who               already               work-out.

Anaerobic               exercises               are               a               little               more               rigorous               and               most               anaerobic               exercises               should               be               used               with               the               help               of               a               personal               trainer.

Anaerobic               exercise               is               the               opposite               of               aerobic               exercise.

Anaerobic,               meaning               "without               oxygen,"               is               the               opposite               of               aerobic               exercise.

Where               aerobic               exercises               are               low               intensity               for               a               long               duration               of               time,               anaerobic               exercises               comprise               of               activities               that               are               high               intensity               for               a               shorter               period               of               time.

This               type               of               exercise               uses               energy               that               is               stored               in               the               muscles               of               the               body               rather               than               from               carbohydrates               or               fatty               acids.

During               anaerobic               exercise               the               muscles               causing               muscle               fatigue               create               a               by-product,               known               as               lactic               acid.

Although               a               person               can               suffer               the               discomfort               of               muscle               aches               and               pains,               the               advantage               of               having               lactic               acid               build               up               in               the               muscles               is               that               the               body               learns               to               rid               itself               of               these               wastes.

The               body               must               also               recover               from               this               build               up               of               lactic               acid               before               the               muscles               can               function               at               their               full               potential               again.

Because               of               this               necessary               recovery               time               anaerobic               exercises               only               last               for               short               periods               of               time.
               Many               professional               trainers               will               use               what               is               known               as               "interval               training"               in               their               exercise               routines.

In               interval               training               an               anaerobic               exercise,               such               as               weight               lifting,               is               implemented               for               a               short               period               of               time               followed               by               an               aerobic               exercise,               such               as               jogging,               for               a               longer               period               of               time.

This               is               to               allow               the               body               to               recover               from               build               up               of               lactic               acid               in               the               muscles               and               replace               it               with               oxygen.

Trainers               also               recommend               using               an               aerobic               exercise               as               a               warm-up               before               attempting               harder               and               more               rigorous               exercises.

Some               form               of               aerobic               exercise               should               also               be               done               after               an               anaerobic               workout               to               help               the               body               return               to               its               natural               state               of               balance.
               Whereas               aerobic               exercise               is               good               for               cardiovascular               health,               anaerobic               exercise               is               good               for               building               muscular               fitness.

It               strengthens               the               muscles               and               builds               muscle               mass               in               the               body.

It               burns               less               calories               than               aerobic               exercise               but               because               there               is               an               increase               in               muscle               mass               it               can               help               one               to               be               leaner               and               control               their               weight               better.

It               should               be               noted               that               anaerobic               exercising               is               not               recommended               for               women               that               are               pregnant               as               lactic               acid               build               up               and               muscle               fatigue               can               be               harmful               to               the               unborn               baby.

Some               examples               of               anaerobic               exercise               include               weight               lifting,               sprinting,               and               downhill               skiing.
               Weight               Lifting               
               Weight               lifting,               also               referred               to               as               strength               training,               is               one               of               the               most               popular               forms               of               anaerobic               exercise.

Although               weight               lifting               is               more               frequently               used               to               build               muscle               mass               it               can               also               be               used               to               help               a               person               lose               weight               by               choosing               a               variety               of               repetitions               that               target               specific               muscle               groups.

Your               body               learns               to               adapt               as               you               make               changes               in               your               exercise               routine               and               because               of               this,               it               is               necessary               to               use               more               resistance               than               your               body               is               used               to               in               order               to               build               muscle               mass               and               lose               weight.

As               you               lift               weights               your               body               will               get               used               to               the               sets               and               repetitions               you               are               using               and               your               workout               will               become               ineffective               and               unproductive.

By               changing               your               sets               and               repetitions               on               a               weekly,               or               even               a               monthly,               basis               will               help               you               to               increase               the               intensity               of               your               exercise               routine.
               It               is               essential               to               rest               your               muscles               between               your               workout               sessions.

Because               your               muscles               adjust               and               grow               during               these               resting               periods               trainers               recommend               that               you               don't               work               the               same               muscle               groups               every               day.

It               is               also               important               to               remember               that               an               aerobic               exercise               or               a               stretching               exercise               should               be               utilized               as               a               warm               up               before               you               jump               into               an               anaerobic               workout.

This               helps               your               body               to               prepare               itself               for               a               more               intense               workout               and               because               your               muscles               have               been               stretched               out               it               will               also               prevent               any               injuries               that               you               could               incur               while               lifting               heavy               weights.

The               benefits               of               weight               lifting               include               an               increase               in               muscular               stamina,               improved               equilibrium               (balance),               and               stronger               bones.

Lifting               weights               also               elevates               your               metabolism,               helping               to               burn               more               calories.

               Most               people               do               not               know               that               there               is               difference               between               sprinting,               running,               and               jogging.

Jogging               is               done               at               a               steady               pace               whereas               running               is               performed               somewhat               faster               and               also               produces               an               increase               in               heart               rate.

Sprinting               is               the               fastest               type               of               running               and               is               done               in               a               short               amount               of               time.

In               sprinting               the               strides               are               longer               and               a               person               runs               as               fast               as               they               can               for               the               whole               distance.

Sprinting               is               an               excellent               way               to               burn               calories               as               it               boosts               your               metabolism               and               has               the               ability               to               keep               it               at               this               accelerated               rate               for               days               after               a               workout               where               sprinting               is               employed.

It               is               also               in               helpful               in               toning               the               muscles               of               your               arms               and               legs               and               only               has               to               be               added               to               your               workout               routine               about               twice               a               week               in               order               to               reap               its               benefits.

Downhill               Skiing               
               Downhill               skiing,               also               known               as               Alpine               skiing,               is               very               beneficial               in               helping               one               to               improve               coordination               and               balance.

This               type               of               skiing               is               a               rigorous               activity               that               works               the               upper               part               of               your               legs               (the               muscle               groups               that               support               your               knees).

It               also               helps               to               strengthen               the               hips,               back,               and               glutei               (buttock)               muscles.

More               muscle               groups               are               used               in               skiing               than               in               running               and               the               amount               of               energy               required               to               perform               this               activity               is               also               higher.

The               potential               for               increasing               your               metabolism               and               burning               a               lot               of               calories               in               a               shorter               period               of               time               is               excellent               with               downhill               skiing.

Because               this               type               of               skiing               requires               so               much               energy               it               is               a               good               idea               to               do               some               cardiovascular               training               and               strength               training               to               prepare               you               before               attempting               to               add               downhill               skiing               to               your               regular               exercise               routine.
               Hills,               A.


Exercise               and               Obesity.

London,               England,               United               Kingdom:               Smith-Gordon               &               Co               Ltd.,               1994.
               Schuler,               Lou.

The               New               Rules               of               Lifting:               Six               Basic               Moves               for               Maximum               Muscle.

New               York,               NY:               Avery               Trade               Publishing,               2008.
               Galen,               Jan               B.

Fitness               Through               Aerobics.

Boston,               MA:               Benjamin               Cummings;               8th               Edition,               2010.

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